The Society offers an annual prize of $500 for the best work published in the William Carlos Williams Review in a given year. The prize is possible through the generosity of W. Scott Peterson – the first scholar to publish a book-length study of Paterson – who remains an active supporter of all things WCW.
Past Recipients of the Walter Scott Peterson Prize include
2022: Sam Hushagen, for “William Carlos William and the Traditions of Georgic” in Volume 39 Issue 2
2020: Kate Schnur, for “Mechanical Labor and Fleshy Births: Maternal Resistance in Mina Loy and William Carlos Williams” in Vol. 37, No.1
2019: Ciarán O’Rourke, for “Pictures from Jutland: Placing the Poetries of Seamus Heaney and William Carlos Williams” in Vol. 36, No. 1
2016: Eric Keenaghan, for “The Impersonal Is Political: On the Living Theatre and William Carlos Williams’s Many Loves” in Vol. 33
2015: Peter Halter, for “The Poem on the Page, or the Visual Poetics of Williams Carlos Williams” in Vol. 32